Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sisterhood - The Rising of the Feminine - Wild Women

I don't know how many times I have read this book, and I came across an article that caught my eye.
And here it is....

There is something immeasurably powerful about groups or rather packs of women.

When a handful of women are able to find themselves alone and let go, magic happens. Perhaps
garments of clothing come flying off, limbs start to interlock, truth is told, music and dance
intertwine and perhaps even, the howling begins.

There is a force that is created amongst groups of women, that wraps itself around space and
transforms convention. When we hear wolves howling at the dead of the night, yearning from
the deepest spirit of life, we can be sure that there are groups of women together somewhere, in
their wildest form.

Women have been trained, over many long years, to be cautious of one another. We have often
been taught to be jealous of other women, compare ourselves and compete with one another.
These harmful habits are instilled at a young age and groups of young girls can often be a
place of pain rather than empowerment.

Women have battles to face within themselves and navigating the world alone can be a
terrifying and disempowering reality.

We are often sized up and down, criticized, sexualized, dismembered and undervalued.
With the extra feat of snarling at strangers and competing for a false sense of victory,
self-worth can be an exhausting journey. With the constant competition that women face on
every level of mainstream and social media and within social groups, empowerment can seem
impossible. Wild women pinned against one another can do damage to self-esteem, sense of
belonging, shared visions and goals and to the necessary journey of healing.

What happens when women start to become aware of this contradiction of flow is an incredibly
powerful thing. When women stop competing and start complimenting, when we stop comparing
and start celebrating—we become a force that cannot be reckoned with. When women are able to
listen to one another and truly want to find restoration, growth and happiness for one
another, we become so entirely capable.

Capable of healing and affirming work that could take years if separated.

When women start to look at each other as whole and worthy beings and see our diversity as a
strength, our wild selves can be awakened. When these spaces are able to breathe, we can
transform rules and regulations and allow the powerful movement of creativity and chaos to be

Wild awakened women have no limits.
We are capable of anything and everything- from sporadic singing sessions in the middle of
the sleeping street, to shirtless howling atop mountains, to smokey road trips with hands,
doubts, fears and insecurities flying out windows…wild women break rules that are meant to
be broken, they create new standards of respect and intuitively lead and listen with full
Women feel strong when we travel in packs, we feel fearless and powerful–something that is
often hard to find in most public spaces alone. Pack women start to embody and manifest a
different kind of power…not power over but power with .

We create the liberating sensation of freedom and limitless possibility. We are capable of
stopping destruction and halting violence with our creatives forces and solidarity. We are
capable of navigating dark nights free from the crippling fear of potential danger. We are
capable of healing broken hearts and quieted dreams and of holding one another’s stories. We
are capable of being the sisters, mothers and aunties that some have never had, holding up and
holding down, when called upon.

Wild women know the feeling of determination and empowerment, surrounded by equals,
surrounded by beauty and celebration of life. Being a part of a pack is something all women
deserve and it is a space we need to desperately nourish and seek.

More than just the liberating sensation of being a part of a much stronger and more beautiful
whole, we are capable of serious political, institutional and sustainable change. Women have
been warriors in every society and for all of time.

Women have been witches and magicians, seeking out secret spaces to heal and protect one
another. Women have been empresses, leaders of monarchies, priestesses and goddesses, sought
out for their clarity and vision. Women fight for a voice and space to contribute on every
level of society and when we do, we transform and commit. Women who put their heads and hearts
together can truly create an army of queens. When women look within and at themselves and
they choose to recognize this personal power, it’s transformative.

When women look without and at each other and choose to recognize this even greater force,
it’s revolutionary.

Women, we are so beautiful.

We are so incredibly worthy and powerful beyond measure, in and of ourselves: in our
femininity, our emotional intelligence, our creativity, our ability to shape-shift, transform
and create; in our ability to birth, bleed, identify ourselves in our diversity.

In our ability to fill every role and be anything, we are a tapestry of vibrancy and the earth
herself awakened. We must remember this over and over again. We must seek the spaces to roam
freely and to awaken our spirits and join in with other wandering wolves, searching for
spaces to make meaningful. We must not feel ashamed to belong to the woods, the earth, the
water, the wild. We must look to one another for strength, guidance and support and we must
learn to reach out our hands to one another, allowing our packs to grow in number and power.
Let the howling begin.

Author: Emilee Gilpin
Editor: Renee Picard

Friday, May 1, 2015

Be Vulnerable for Your Kids

I grew up watching movies and soap operas about women "being strong". The interpretation of being strong is to suffer silently and not asking for help.  Somehow telling their kids everything is fine when they are scared , in pain and afraid. Suffering in silence seems to be the "good wife" and "good mother" stereotype.

Well I have done that and it didn't work. For some reason, our culture seems to think that being vulnerable is being weak. Protecting them from the truth somehow will ease our own suffering.
I ask myself , " How can I ever expect my kids to tell the truth about anything when I don't do it myself ? " It is an against the grain kind of gesture and believe me it is the best thing I have done.
Sometimes I just don't have the answer and I will tell them that, tell them about my experience and what my choice will be and let them make their own decisions.
We as a family sit in council at least once a week, we talk about our daily lives and share our day almost everyday in a sacred space where we can stay present and listen to each other.
As a couple, I sit with my partner everyday and we process, listen to each other deeply and hold a space for each other, no matter what.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Amethyst Drusy Angel Wand- Native American Talking Stick - Mini Wand (SOLD)

This beautiful mini wand / talking stick is absolutely breathe-taking !! The graceful spirit and wisdom of the deer ever present. The amethyst assist in contacting the angels and drusy protecting us on the journey. This wand is approx 8 1/4" long

Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace. It is excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming and to open one's channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairvoyance, and communication with angels.

Drusy quartz crystals are excellent for use in Spiritual. Healing when self-doubt, worry, or other negative feelings are affecting the ability to feel the joy of life. They are also excellent mediation crystals to deal with pessimism and negativity. In Feng Shui, Drusy quartz crystals are perfect for bringing life to the most lifeless corner.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Footsteps - Native American Talking stick (SOLD)

Footsteps (SOLD)

This hand whittled talking stick depicts the footsteps of journeying.
The path of obtaining knowledge, wisdom and healing.
The feather symbolizes trust, honor, strength, wisdom and freedom.
The quartz crystal acts as a deep soul cleanser connecting the physical dimension with mind.
The turquoise color accents stand for the water and the sky, for bountiful harvests, health and protection.

A meditation companion.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why I can relate to Pema Chodron's teaching?

Here are some of her epic quotes: 

“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”

“The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves.” 

 " If you don't know the nature of fear, then you can never be fearless."

 I started watching her videos and interviews 3-4 years ago and I found an instant attraction to her teachings. She is just like me, she struggles, she messes up, she is human. Pema Chodron is not someone who is sitting on a high horse telling me what to do. She walks the walk and she is funny, she even swears. Here is a video of her interview, Enjoy!!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Spirited - A new talking stick made of drift wood


This is carved from a piece of driftwood from the Big Bear Lake. Anchored by a powerful Selenite Wand. Selenite works to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation.It has a strong vibration that may open the crown
chakra and the soul star chakra. Selenite crystals are high vibration stones that will move your spiritual growth forward quickly. Also added some jet stones for protection during astral travel. This is a beautiful open hearted wand. Amazing Gift !!

Wood burning tattoos of tribal patterns

Small pieces f jet set for protection

Selenite wand anchor

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Making of a Valentine's Gift - Deer Antler Talking Stick

My husband picked out a deer antler from my antler collection a while ago and he has been using it as a talking stick in council. I thought it will be a great Valentine's gift for him to finish the talking stick for him. Well it was months in the making. I sat with it, meditated and ask the guide from the spirit.
Thanked the spirits and saged the antler

I picked up quite a few branches on my morning walk, asking for guidance to pick the one

Hand whittled a few of them and the one on the right really spoke to me
As so it is

Finally, there were these marks on the branch, and I used a wood burner to add to the contrast
I always say when we are willing to sit with the uncomfortable, you will always find gold. How appropriate to add gold accents to this talking stick. Perfect companion for meditation.

Setting the talking stick
Added Gold color to the stick
Close up of the Amethyst that I put on by wire wrapping it
Happy Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Busy in my studio - Creating one of a kind talking stick / wand Sacred Art

Creative juice is flowing in my studio.... I can't stop creating. I have been working with deer antler this whole week and it is amazing !! Here are a few sacred pieces I made this week.

Most of the time, I picked out the stones or crystals that I am called to and the rest just falls into place.
The wisdom wand - This one is anchored by a pyrite with shells and metal beads

Clarity Wand- Crystal anchored with moonstones and jet bead chips

Protective Wand - Turquoise, clear quartz with crystals, black tourmaline and tiger's eye

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Power of Affirmation

For those of you who don't know what Affirmations are, they are words or phrases that you speak out loud or to yourself to solidify an idea. After they are heard or said repeatedly, they become a reality, which can be positive or negative or in my opinion, mislead.  It is like advertising on TV or internet, after you see it so many times, you believe what's said.

We are in some ways programmed to believe certain things:

- Don't believe in your intuition. It is just co-incidence, there is no such thing.
- It is just a dream, it doesn't mean anything.
- Women should stay at home and take care of the family.
- Women should work, it is a different world.
- Men should not cry or be vulnerable, it means they are weak.
- People who do not believe in what I believe are my enemies.
- We need more things.

Well, we can also use affirmations to create a positive space for ourselves.

Tips for creating positive affirmations:
- Start inwardly, by this I mean, start with" I am ready to receive abundance from the Universe" instead of "I want a new car".

- Write it down and speak it out loud. If you don't say it, the Universe will not know it.

- Your affirmations should mean something to you- something that speaks to you, it should be personal.

- Ask for what you want, don't be shy. The Universe is listening . Again, go inwardly instead of wanting "things".

- Be Kind to yourself

Here is an example of my daily affirmation, I speak it out loud everyday before my meditation.

My Daily Affirmation

My vision is to cultivate my wisdom, kindness and bring forth the person I am 
In the forefront of my life
Be me fully
And also tend to my wounding, my insecurity, my not knowing
Loving myself
Practicing love and kindness in every breathe
Practicing listening deeply to lessen other people's suffering
Going on my inner journeys to bring forth my spirit animal and all of my ancestors
They are always there in me
Bring forth these gifts
And so it is

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spirit of the Wind talking stick

Spirit of the Wind

This hand whittled talking stick embodied the spirit of the wind. The tattoos show the ever changing qualities of the wind. Anchored by a smoky quartz crystal which aids concentration and unlocks memory.The jingles clear the negative energy , rabbit fur brings the feminine and abundance.
A horse's mane brings perseverance and adds connection to the earth and to the spirits of the wind.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Grace & Gentle Spirit Talking Stick

This talking stick represents grace, determination and the gentle spirit of the deer. The mystical power of the deer antler has been revered in many traditions as a symbol of life regeneration.
The magical ability to regenerate, being in touch with life’s mysteries is embodied in the deer antler.
This talking stick guides you to refine your intuition, psychic abilities and connect to your heart chakra.
This is a beauty !!!

I make each talking stick intended for a person, if that person is you, you will know it.

The Talking Stick is a tool used in many Native American Traditions when a council is called. It allows all council members to present their Sacred Point of View. The Talking Stick is passed from person to person as they speak and only the person holding the stick is allowed to talk during that time period. Every member of the meeting must listen closely to the words being spoken with their heart. Native American children are taught to listen from a very young age; they are also taught to respect another's viewpoint. This is not to say that they may not disagree, but rather they are bound by their personal honor to allow everyone their Sacred Point of View. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Full Moon Tonight - Bring Your Crystals Out For Tuning

It's Full Moon tonight and time to bring your crystals out for tuning and recharging.  I usually take the ones that I use frequently out for a recharge. Place it under the open sky after dark and bring them back in at sunrise. Some crystals will fade in the sunlight, so make sure to bring your crystals back in the house before morning. It doesn't matter if it is cloudy, as long as it is outside, the moon's energy will do its work.
These are the beauties I am placing out tonight

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Sanctuary, A Sacred Space , A Prayer Corner whatever you call it, create one in your home

A Sanctuary, A Sacred Space , A Prayer Corner whatever you call it, create one in your home. It is so important in our busy life to create a space that brings peace and sense of stillness. Whatever your path is, a sanctuary is so important and essential in our spiritual growth. A place where it brings you back to the present.

For me, I set my intention of finding a sacred space in my house. I found this corner in front of the fire place that speaks to me. Putting my meditation cushion there and sitting down for the first time, I know it is the right spot.  I placed my Himalayan Salt Lamp, my journal, my drums  and my candles in the corner, my altar consists of my crystals ( whatever speaks to me on the day) and offering ( I use tobacco but it is a personal choice, it can be flowers, fruits or something thoughtful, the intentions are more important than the actual offerings ) and there it is your " Own Personal Sanctuary.

Personally, the space helps me center myself everyday before heading out in the busy and noisy world. I sit 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening and whenever I can on the weekend. Set your alarm on your phone every other day to remind yourself.  My last piece of advise is be kind to yourself if you don't sit everyday, it takes time, it is like learning a new skill.

Tips for setting up a personal sanctuary

- Not a high traffic area
- Sit there and see how the energy feels
- Sage it, cleanse it and or light a candle and say a prayer to set the space ready
- Put an mini altar to remind you to return to that space
- Set an alarm on your phone alarm to light a candle and to put out a candle everyday
- Put fresh flowers on the altar (a reminder to return )
- It is a personal space, put whatever speaks to you on the altar
- Be kind to yourself

My Sacred Space with my talking stick, my drums and my journal

My Alter, my crystals , candle, sage and Himalayan salt lamp

Saturday, January 31, 2015

The 3 Breathe Practice

Whether you are a beginner or you have practiced meditation for a while, there are days that you will just walk pass your cushion and cannot get yourself to sit on it. I have many days like that, convincing myself I am too busy even for 5 minutes.

Well, I have adopted a 3 breathe practice in my daily life inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh. In his spiritual community, Plum village, they have a mindfulness bell that rings randomly throughout the day. When the bell rings, everyone pause and take a moment to come back to the present. My interpretation in my life, I will take 3 conscious breathe every so often to commit to staying present. For example, waiting in line at the bank, pumping gas, traffic jam, waiting to pick up my kids from school. There are many opportunities for us to take the advantage of slowing down and committing to staying present. 3 conscious breathe is all it takes, even sometimes, I will wonder off after the second breathe. 

Give it a try, it is 5 - 10 seconds of investment a day !!

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Indigo Smudge fan (SOLD)

This smudge fan is adorned by indigo tipped feathers, anchored by a clear crystal. Hand whittled wood handle wrapped by soft brown leather and accompanied by jingles to clear the negative energy.

Smudging is a ritual to cleanse or clear a person, a place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences. It is a ritual of cleansing and purification for the physical and spiritual bodies to remove negative energy. Smudging is not strictly for use in cleansing and purifying, it can be used to draw in positive energies and as a means of creating smoke to carry our prayers up to Great Spirit.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Chakra Balancing Kit

I use this chakra balancing kit to realign myself every so often. Here is what I do :

Arrange your crystals in sequence beside where you will be lying. Lie down and relax. To gently  balance and realign your chakra energies, place one stone of the appropriate color on each chakra area for a few minutes.

Crown Chakra - Place the Clear Quartz just above the top of the head. This will balance all aspects of the self - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and will promote positive thought patterns, inspiration and imagination.

Third Eye Chakra- Place the Amethyst in the center of the forehead to promote intuitive skills and memory and to increase understanding and self-knowledge.

Throat Chakra -Place the Blue Agate at the base of the throat to bring peacefulness, ease communication difficulties and to promote self-expression.

Heart Chakra - Place the Rose Quartz in the center of the chest to promote a sense of calm, create a sense of direction in life and to balance your relationship with others and the world.

Solar Plexus Chakra- Place the Citrine between the navel and the ribcage to reduce anxiety, clear your thoughts and improve confidence.

Sacral Chakra - Place the Tiger's Eye on the lower abdomen. This will balance creativity and release stress and blocks in your life that prevent enjoyment.

Base Chakra - Place a Garnet near the base of the spine between your legs .This will balance physical energy, motivation and practicality and promote a sense of reality.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Journey Within

The Journey Within

This talking stick is a made from a beautiful branch I came across in the woods of Balboa Lake. Hand whittled carefully to maintain the beauty and the spirit of nature.
The tattoos on it describes the spiritual journey once told to me by an African Shaman. In the woods of wisdom, through the valley of joy , cross the river of tears.
This powerful talking stick adorned by beautiful treasures of stones and talismans.
Crowned by feathers, the fluorite crystal wand channels and balanced the positive and negative aspects of the mind.
Allowing one to experience inner peace and infinity.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Heart Guide Talking Stick (SOLD)

The Heart Guide

The powerful rose quartz guide us to our heart speaks
directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional
wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates
a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura.
Hand whittled to retain the natural beauty and
spirit of the branch, the tattoos show the journeys to
our heart. The inset Purple Fluorite stimulates the Third Eye Chakra,
it is a highly protective and  stabilizing stone,
useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy.

The Talking Stick is a tool used in many Native American Traditions when a council is called. It allows all council members to present their Sacred Point of View. The Talking Stick is passed from person to person as they speak and only the person holding the stick is allowed to talk during that time period. Every member of the meeting must listen closely to the words being spoken with their heart. Native American children are taught to listen from a very young age; they are also taught to respect another's viewpoint. This is not to say that they may not disagree, but rather they are bound by their personal honor to allow everyone their Sacred Point of View.