Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why I can relate to Pema Chodron's teaching?

Here are some of her epic quotes: 

“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”

“The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves.” 

 " If you don't know the nature of fear, then you can never be fearless."

 I started watching her videos and interviews 3-4 years ago and I found an instant attraction to her teachings. She is just like me, she struggles, she messes up, she is human. Pema Chodron is not someone who is sitting on a high horse telling me what to do. She walks the walk and she is funny, she even swears. Here is a video of her interview, Enjoy!!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Spirited - A new talking stick made of drift wood


This is carved from a piece of driftwood from the Big Bear Lake. Anchored by a powerful Selenite Wand. Selenite works to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation.It has a strong vibration that may open the crown
chakra and the soul star chakra. Selenite crystals are high vibration stones that will move your spiritual growth forward quickly. Also added some jet stones for protection during astral travel. This is a beautiful open hearted wand. Amazing Gift !!

Wood burning tattoos of tribal patterns

Small pieces f jet set for protection

Selenite wand anchor

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Making of a Valentine's Gift - Deer Antler Talking Stick

My husband picked out a deer antler from my antler collection a while ago and he has been using it as a talking stick in council. I thought it will be a great Valentine's gift for him to finish the talking stick for him. Well it was months in the making. I sat with it, meditated and ask the guide from the spirit.
Thanked the spirits and saged the antler

I picked up quite a few branches on my morning walk, asking for guidance to pick the one

Hand whittled a few of them and the one on the right really spoke to me
As so it is

Finally, there were these marks on the branch, and I used a wood burner to add to the contrast
I always say when we are willing to sit with the uncomfortable, you will always find gold. How appropriate to add gold accents to this talking stick. Perfect companion for meditation.

Setting the talking stick
Added Gold color to the stick
Close up of the Amethyst that I put on by wire wrapping it
Happy Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Busy in my studio - Creating one of a kind talking stick / wand Sacred Art

Creative juice is flowing in my studio.... I can't stop creating. I have been working with deer antler this whole week and it is amazing !! Here are a few sacred pieces I made this week.

Most of the time, I picked out the stones or crystals that I am called to and the rest just falls into place.
The wisdom wand - This one is anchored by a pyrite with shells and metal beads

Clarity Wand- Crystal anchored with moonstones and jet bead chips

Protective Wand - Turquoise, clear quartz with crystals, black tourmaline and tiger's eye

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Power of Affirmation

For those of you who don't know what Affirmations are, they are words or phrases that you speak out loud or to yourself to solidify an idea. After they are heard or said repeatedly, they become a reality, which can be positive or negative or in my opinion, mislead.  It is like advertising on TV or internet, after you see it so many times, you believe what's said.

We are in some ways programmed to believe certain things:

- Don't believe in your intuition. It is just co-incidence, there is no such thing.
- It is just a dream, it doesn't mean anything.
- Women should stay at home and take care of the family.
- Women should work, it is a different world.
- Men should not cry or be vulnerable, it means they are weak.
- People who do not believe in what I believe are my enemies.
- We need more things.

Well, we can also use affirmations to create a positive space for ourselves.

Tips for creating positive affirmations:
- Start inwardly, by this I mean, start with" I am ready to receive abundance from the Universe" instead of "I want a new car".

- Write it down and speak it out loud. If you don't say it, the Universe will not know it.

- Your affirmations should mean something to you- something that speaks to you, it should be personal.

- Ask for what you want, don't be shy. The Universe is listening . Again, go inwardly instead of wanting "things".

- Be Kind to yourself

Here is an example of my daily affirmation, I speak it out loud everyday before my meditation.

My Daily Affirmation

My vision is to cultivate my wisdom, kindness and bring forth the person I am 
In the forefront of my life
Be me fully
And also tend to my wounding, my insecurity, my not knowing
Loving myself
Practicing love and kindness in every breathe
Practicing listening deeply to lessen other people's suffering
Going on my inner journeys to bring forth my spirit animal and all of my ancestors
They are always there in me
Bring forth these gifts
And so it is

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Spirit of the Wind talking stick

Spirit of the Wind

This hand whittled talking stick embodied the spirit of the wind. The tattoos show the ever changing qualities of the wind. Anchored by a smoky quartz crystal which aids concentration and unlocks memory.The jingles clear the negative energy , rabbit fur brings the feminine and abundance.
A horse's mane brings perseverance and adds connection to the earth and to the spirits of the wind.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Grace & Gentle Spirit Talking Stick

This talking stick represents grace, determination and the gentle spirit of the deer. The mystical power of the deer antler has been revered in many traditions as a symbol of life regeneration.
The magical ability to regenerate, being in touch with life’s mysteries is embodied in the deer antler.
This talking stick guides you to refine your intuition, psychic abilities and connect to your heart chakra.
This is a beauty !!!

I make each talking stick intended for a person, if that person is you, you will know it.

The Talking Stick is a tool used in many Native American Traditions when a council is called. It allows all council members to present their Sacred Point of View. The Talking Stick is passed from person to person as they speak and only the person holding the stick is allowed to talk during that time period. Every member of the meeting must listen closely to the words being spoken with their heart. Native American children are taught to listen from a very young age; they are also taught to respect another's viewpoint. This is not to say that they may not disagree, but rather they are bound by their personal honor to allow everyone their Sacred Point of View. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Full Moon Tonight - Bring Your Crystals Out For Tuning

It's Full Moon tonight and time to bring your crystals out for tuning and recharging.  I usually take the ones that I use frequently out for a recharge. Place it under the open sky after dark and bring them back in at sunrise. Some crystals will fade in the sunlight, so make sure to bring your crystals back in the house before morning. It doesn't matter if it is cloudy, as long as it is outside, the moon's energy will do its work.
These are the beauties I am placing out tonight

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Sanctuary, A Sacred Space , A Prayer Corner whatever you call it, create one in your home

A Sanctuary, A Sacred Space , A Prayer Corner whatever you call it, create one in your home. It is so important in our busy life to create a space that brings peace and sense of stillness. Whatever your path is, a sanctuary is so important and essential in our spiritual growth. A place where it brings you back to the present.

For me, I set my intention of finding a sacred space in my house. I found this corner in front of the fire place that speaks to me. Putting my meditation cushion there and sitting down for the first time, I know it is the right spot.  I placed my Himalayan Salt Lamp, my journal, my drums  and my candles in the corner, my altar consists of my crystals ( whatever speaks to me on the day) and offering ( I use tobacco but it is a personal choice, it can be flowers, fruits or something thoughtful, the intentions are more important than the actual offerings ) and there it is your " Own Personal Sanctuary.

Personally, the space helps me center myself everyday before heading out in the busy and noisy world. I sit 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening and whenever I can on the weekend. Set your alarm on your phone every other day to remind yourself.  My last piece of advise is be kind to yourself if you don't sit everyday, it takes time, it is like learning a new skill.

Tips for setting up a personal sanctuary

- Not a high traffic area
- Sit there and see how the energy feels
- Sage it, cleanse it and or light a candle and say a prayer to set the space ready
- Put an mini altar to remind you to return to that space
- Set an alarm on your phone alarm to light a candle and to put out a candle everyday
- Put fresh flowers on the altar (a reminder to return )
- It is a personal space, put whatever speaks to you on the altar
- Be kind to yourself

My Sacred Space with my talking stick, my drums and my journal

My Alter, my crystals , candle, sage and Himalayan salt lamp