Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Power of Affirmation

For those of you who don't know what Affirmations are, they are words or phrases that you speak out loud or to yourself to solidify an idea. After they are heard or said repeatedly, they become a reality, which can be positive or negative or in my opinion, mislead.  It is like advertising on TV or internet, after you see it so many times, you believe what's said.

We are in some ways programmed to believe certain things:

- Don't believe in your intuition. It is just co-incidence, there is no such thing.
- It is just a dream, it doesn't mean anything.
- Women should stay at home and take care of the family.
- Women should work, it is a different world.
- Men should not cry or be vulnerable, it means they are weak.
- People who do not believe in what I believe are my enemies.
- We need more things.

Well, we can also use affirmations to create a positive space for ourselves.

Tips for creating positive affirmations:
- Start inwardly, by this I mean, start with" I am ready to receive abundance from the Universe" instead of "I want a new car".

- Write it down and speak it out loud. If you don't say it, the Universe will not know it.

- Your affirmations should mean something to you- something that speaks to you, it should be personal.

- Ask for what you want, don't be shy. The Universe is listening . Again, go inwardly instead of wanting "things".

- Be Kind to yourself

Here is an example of my daily affirmation, I speak it out loud everyday before my meditation.

My Daily Affirmation

My vision is to cultivate my wisdom, kindness and bring forth the person I am 
In the forefront of my life
Be me fully
And also tend to my wounding, my insecurity, my not knowing
Loving myself
Practicing love and kindness in every breathe
Practicing listening deeply to lessen other people's suffering
Going on my inner journeys to bring forth my spirit animal and all of my ancestors
They are always there in me
Bring forth these gifts
And so it is

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