Saturday, January 31, 2015

The 3 Breathe Practice

Whether you are a beginner or you have practiced meditation for a while, there are days that you will just walk pass your cushion and cannot get yourself to sit on it. I have many days like that, convincing myself I am too busy even for 5 minutes.

Well, I have adopted a 3 breathe practice in my daily life inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh. In his spiritual community, Plum village, they have a mindfulness bell that rings randomly throughout the day. When the bell rings, everyone pause and take a moment to come back to the present. My interpretation in my life, I will take 3 conscious breathe every so often to commit to staying present. For example, waiting in line at the bank, pumping gas, traffic jam, waiting to pick up my kids from school. There are many opportunities for us to take the advantage of slowing down and committing to staying present. 3 conscious breathe is all it takes, even sometimes, I will wonder off after the second breathe. 

Give it a try, it is 5 - 10 seconds of investment a day !!

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Indigo Smudge fan (SOLD)

This smudge fan is adorned by indigo tipped feathers, anchored by a clear crystal. Hand whittled wood handle wrapped by soft brown leather and accompanied by jingles to clear the negative energy.

Smudging is a ritual to cleanse or clear a person, a place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influences. It is a ritual of cleansing and purification for the physical and spiritual bodies to remove negative energy. Smudging is not strictly for use in cleansing and purifying, it can be used to draw in positive energies and as a means of creating smoke to carry our prayers up to Great Spirit.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Chakra Balancing Kit

I use this chakra balancing kit to realign myself every so often. Here is what I do :

Arrange your crystals in sequence beside where you will be lying. Lie down and relax. To gently  balance and realign your chakra energies, place one stone of the appropriate color on each chakra area for a few minutes.

Crown Chakra - Place the Clear Quartz just above the top of the head. This will balance all aspects of the self - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, and will promote positive thought patterns, inspiration and imagination.

Third Eye Chakra- Place the Amethyst in the center of the forehead to promote intuitive skills and memory and to increase understanding and self-knowledge.

Throat Chakra -Place the Blue Agate at the base of the throat to bring peacefulness, ease communication difficulties and to promote self-expression.

Heart Chakra - Place the Rose Quartz in the center of the chest to promote a sense of calm, create a sense of direction in life and to balance your relationship with others and the world.

Solar Plexus Chakra- Place the Citrine between the navel and the ribcage to reduce anxiety, clear your thoughts and improve confidence.

Sacral Chakra - Place the Tiger's Eye on the lower abdomen. This will balance creativity and release stress and blocks in your life that prevent enjoyment.

Base Chakra - Place a Garnet near the base of the spine between your legs .This will balance physical energy, motivation and practicality and promote a sense of reality.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Journey Within

The Journey Within

This talking stick is a made from a beautiful branch I came across in the woods of Balboa Lake. Hand whittled carefully to maintain the beauty and the spirit of nature.
The tattoos on it describes the spiritual journey once told to me by an African Shaman. In the woods of wisdom, through the valley of joy , cross the river of tears.
This powerful talking stick adorned by beautiful treasures of stones and talismans.
Crowned by feathers, the fluorite crystal wand channels and balanced the positive and negative aspects of the mind.
Allowing one to experience inner peace and infinity.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Heart Guide Talking Stick (SOLD)

The Heart Guide

The powerful rose quartz guide us to our heart speaks
directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional
wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates
a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura.
Hand whittled to retain the natural beauty and
spirit of the branch, the tattoos show the journeys to
our heart. The inset Purple Fluorite stimulates the Third Eye Chakra,
it is a highly protective and  stabilizing stone,
useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy.

The Talking Stick is a tool used in many Native American Traditions when a council is called. It allows all council members to present their Sacred Point of View. The Talking Stick is passed from person to person as they speak and only the person holding the stick is allowed to talk during that time period. Every member of the meeting must listen closely to the words being spoken with their heart. Native American children are taught to listen from a very young age; they are also taught to respect another's viewpoint. This is not to say that they may not disagree, but rather they are bound by their personal honor to allow everyone their Sacred Point of View.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Basic Goodness of Humans

I saw this video of a young man today, so inspiring. He released the source of his invention, the robotic arm that costs less than 10% of a conventional one. That is a courageous act, an act from the heart. Be inspired my friends !!! Thank you Easton LaChappelle !!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Archive my creations

I wanted to start this blog so there is a place where I can archive my talking sticks and art piece that I have made and maybe show the process of how they are made.

Peace Within (SOLD)

Fashioned after a peace pipe, this hand whittled talking stick wand is anchored by a quartz crystal.
A person that carried the peace pipe was often allowed to pass through enemy territory out of respect. Meditate with this talking stick to bring you clarity, tranquility and peace.

Peace Within talking stick

Hand Whittled keeping the essence of nature

Tattooed with a wood burning pen

Amethyst crystal for intuition